Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sex Trafficking

Human trafficking is the illegal trade in human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor: a modern-day form of slavery. Sexual trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation. Sexual trafficking is accomplished be means of fraud, deception, threat or use of force, abuse of a position of vulnerability, and other forms of coercion.
Women and children have been victims of sex trafficking for thousands of years. This finally became an issue in the early 1900s. In 1902, the International Agreement for Suppression of White Slave Traffic was drafted. This was designed to prevent the procreation of women and girls for immoral purposes. Soon it was ratified by twelve countries in the world. In 1910, The United States passed the Mann Act of 1910. This forbids transporting a person across state or international lines for prostitution or other immoral purposes. In 1949, the United Nations felt that they needed to address this problem. This was done by the 1949 Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of others. Soon this was ratified by forty-nine countries around the world.                                                                                            "Women and children are trafficked for sex or sexually related things.
How does this happen?   If the women who become victims of this crime knew what their fate would entail, they would be less than willing to pursue such a career.   Trickery and manipulation lands them in this position.   These girls are promised an abundant and fulfilling life if they leave their families and travel to other countries.   These girls are lured by job offers such as that of an au pair, a model, a dancer, a domestic worker, etc.    These jobs, in conjunction with a potential marriage opportunity, are advertised in local newspapers.   The girls' parents are more than willing to allow this because their daughters will help the family survive.   Substantial pay is promised and the girls are granted return as soon as they can repay the travel expenses to their sender.   They are in his debt until that is accomplished

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