Thursday, April 28, 2011


As we all know Television is an electronic device .It is one of the Invention of modern science .It has been thankful to mankind. It’s a great teacher to impart to us various information. It gives us day to day information. It is said that a German scientist made the first attempt to invent television but the Scottish scientist named J.L Baird showed modern television in the Royal institute of London at 1926.
Nowadays Television is a part of our life .Over the world all the people takes the information through Television. Television has both advantage and disadvantage with the help of the Television set we see on its screen the photo of the singer singing songs, musician playing on a musical instrument, speaker delivering his speech actor and actresses playing their role in a drama and sportsman playing in the field. It provides great effect upon the mind than the radio when we see scenes, objects and performers .On the TV screen before us in addition to the voice of the performer providing entertainment. It’s a great effective medium of distance education. It’s a means by which a teacher can teach a very large number of students from a distance. There is only national Television program in Nepal. Television does not have many serial and channels that’s why Nepalese are using foreign Channels from space line. Recently Nepal has extended its channel worldwide. Television can be good parents, suppose if mother has to go to the job to increase the financial source. She cannot simply stay at home and look at a child. She has to earn money for her livelihood in that case TV can be a co parents.
As to the bad aspect of Television. It has been a nuisance for students in particular because of excessive and wrongs use suppose tomorrow is exam if a good film comes two or three hours beforehand the students will prefer watching the television to reading. Therefore they     sometimes forget that they have a critical time. It is reported in newspaper that TV is the main cause of the failure of majority of students. Some people argue that constant look at the screen may affect eyesight. People are often exposed to horrors, violence, pornography and different scenes of crime and brutality.
Despite some of the drawback of television, it has been a must for the people of the 21th century for their struggle in any field. It’s a very effective medium of spreading mass education. There is no doubt that people are automatically trained to do activities in telecaster flow. People should try to assimilate the achievement positively.            

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